Can Someone explain?

2 min readJan 29, 2024

Why do the insecurities from a previous relationship come out when you enter another relationship?

It’s a new person. It’s not their fault they are not to blame.

Why can’t the heart and mind just erase everything when you’re trying to move on? Starting fresh should mean mentally, emotionally, and physically.

That’s far from the case.

If we can reset our hearts to love someone else, why can’t we reset the damage that has been done?

We lived it; we learned from it and we moved on from it.

Why does it still follow when we move in continuing?

Are we just broken?

So because of someone else didn’t know how to love you, we are now the ones that can’t show the right person how much we love them because we can’t allow them in, allowing ourselves to trust them. That’s not right, that’s not fair.

So pretty much we’re Broken Beyond Repair.

Happiness comes to us a little or doesn’t come at all. We feel like we’re not enough to be loved. Walking around with fake smiles on our faces, as no one knows the pain that is killing us inside. Just because of a person we let in our lives that we trusted and care about broke us for no one to see.

