Our home is just a house

2 min readOct 31, 2023
When you're gone, our house is not a home.
Photo by Slejven Djurakovic on Unsplash

My soul loved you before my heart could skip a beat!

So why did you allow me to get attached?

When you were planning to leave.

You are home to me when I lay my head down. The monsters run when you're home protecting me from the nightmares that are never ending. I get the sleep I need.

My soul loved you before my heart could skip a beat!

Your absence makes our house feel lifeless. There's no life, just emptiness and silence, making it feel abandoned with only me..

I yearn for the days when the sunshine would filter through the blinds. The house was a home where you could feel the love when you walked in.

My soul loved you before my heart could skip a beat!

It is not a lie when I say. It hits the most when my body lays down on those cold sheets.

I always turn and face your side of the bed. It’s empty, as if you were never there. I pray every night that you come back holding your pillow extra tight.

Tears fall from my eyes every night as the memories come to life.

My heart shatters into a million pieces.

I lose my soul, so it searches for yours.

My soul loved you before my heart could skip a beat!

I feel lost and depressed when I do not pray to God, and it makes me stay in bed for weeks. I hope you can understand my pain and come back to make our house feel like a home again, putting the life, love, laughter, and sunlight back as you enter our home once again.

My soul loved you before my heart could skip a beat!

